Following Jesus, doing church
Walking the Walk is about following Jesus. It’s practical discipleship and mission: by doing what he says and does, we discover faithful ways of doing – and being – church. It assumes that churches ought to be recognisably like Jesus because they share his priorities and values, and make the same sort of differences he did. Plenty of churches talk the talk; we need to walk the walk.
Following faithfully
Walking the Walk is about being faithful, not successful. It’s not about the numbers – the membership roll and the bank balance. The “bottom line” is about becoming a community that constantly reminds people of Jesus. You won’t find programmes and quick-fix solutions that will fill your church with people and your collection plates with money. If your aim is to become a successful institution in a culture that dislikes institutions, this isn’t the place for you.
Radical inclusion
Walking the Walk is for everyone: people from every background, colour, culture, sexuality, circumstance or predicament. Jesus prioritised the excluded, befriended the friendless, forgave without any strings attached, and loved his enemies. How do we do that? And where do we start?
Being Good News
Walking the Walk is about churches becoming part of the Good News they proclaim. After 2,100 years of church history, the church’s reputation is at an all-time low, while Jesus’ remains undiminished. Walking the Walk assumes that the problem for the church isn’t that people have got tired of Jesus; it’s that they’re keenly aware of the ways in which the Christian church is frequently part of that from which the world needs saving.
Stepping into the unknown
Walking the Walk is about a journey of discovery with Jesus. It’s the encouragement to step out into the unknown together – with none of us knowing where the journey will lead.
Individual & community transformation
Walking the Walk is about responding to the call of Jesus to follow him and be transformed, on the one hand, and responding to the hunger in our communities and culture for Jesus-shaped churches and Jesus-shaped people, on the other.
A growing community
Most of all, you’ll discover that you’re part of a growing community of people who know that church should – and can – be better. Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your journey towards Jesus-shaped church, you’re welcome here.